
Innocent Love

In love there's something more important than sex: love.

Released June 1986

    7": Europe {Germany} (Virgin 108 283-100) *1*
    7": Europe {Germany} (Virgin 108 283-100) *2*
    7": Europe {Germany} (RCA    PB 40785)    *1*

         3:50  Innocent Love
         3:26  Innocent Theme

   12": Europe {Germany} (Virgin 608 283-213) *1*
   12": Europe {Germany} (Virgin 608 283-213) *2*
   12": Europe {Germany} (RCA    PT 40786)    *1*

         6:47  Innocent Love [extended version]
         3:26  Innocent Theme

     * *1* refers to the first cover type - Sandra standing on the beach
       with a blue background. 
     * *2* refers to the second cover type - As for *1* but with whote

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Updated July 26, 1997 by Joar Grimstvedt joarg@hsr.no